We are happy to release Inputlog version 8.0. This version is a major update of the program, and guarantees upward compatibility.
Extra features include:
- Inputlog is optimized for Windows 10.
- A standardized copy task has been added and is now available in eight languages. The analysis of this task enables researchers to characterize motoric and low level processes from different perspectives (e.g., with respect to bigram frequency, task complexity, keyboard layout).
- The logging procedure has been refined and recognizes the active document in a more precise way, even in complex source interactions.
- The preprocess possibilities include new and advanced—automatic and manual—filtering and recoding options to optimally prepare your data analysis.
- Several analyses have been refined and/or optimized. For instance, the pause analysis now includes geometric means and coefficients of variation, P-bursts and ratios are reported in a more detail. The source analysis now also addresses source interactions at the interval level. The process graph can dynamically be adapted to your needs. A word pause analysis is also available now.
- Post processing offers now merging facilities to conveniently and accurately merge analyses of large scale data collections, including the copy task.
- Most debugs reported by users from all over the world, have been taken care of. Thanks for your feedback.